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Q-Grading Seminar

Seabridge, Belgium’s first SCA certified premier training campus and green coffee logistics center & warehouse, will be organizing a Q Arabica Calibration Course:


Date: October 14, 2024 (Monday)

Location: SEABRIDGE, Koffieweg 10, B-8380 Zeebrugge 


The seminar will be given in English by CQI instructor Marcela Vásquez and facilitated by our Green Coffee Quality Expert Ivan Lamilla Muñoz. Based on Arabica standards set forth by the Specialty Coffee Association, CQI provides rigorous and comprehensive training for all those in the coffee supply chain looking to better understand and identify high quality Arabica coffee.

“The Q is the only course that creates a common language in the Coffee Community to describe and evaluate specialty coffees in a proper way, also it is a challenge as a coffee taster to discover your strengths and the best opportunity to improve your skills.” Marcela Vásquez

Calibration is necessary to renew a Q Grader in good standing as their license is approaching the 36-month expiration.  A CQI Calibration consists of three cuppings and to renew your Q Grader License, you need to pass 2 out of the 3 cuppings. If you do not pass, you have one opportunity for a retake. If you fail the second time, you must take a re-certification course to maintain status as an active Licensed Q Grader.

If you are interested in participating, please register on the CQI web page and sign up for course ID #6614 or use the following link: https://database.coffeeinstitute.org/course/6614

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